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"Heavenly Father, I come before You with an open heart. Please reveal Your purpose and calling for my life. Illuminate the path You want me to walk and grant me clarity in my decisions. May Your will be done, and may I fulfill the destiny You have ordained for me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Lord, as I seek clarity, illuminate the path You have prepared. Remove any veils of confusion or doubt. May I see clearly the steps You want me to take.

Gracious God, grant me wisdom in every decision. Whether big or small, may I seek Your counsel. Guide me as I navigate life’s choices.

Father, reveal Your purpose for me. Show me the unique calling You’ve placed upon my life. May I walk confidently in the destiny You’ve ordained.

Shield me from distractions that pull me away from Your will. Keep my focus unwavering, fixed on the path You’ve set before me.

Holy Spirit, infuse me with courage. Just as Joshua stepped into the Promised Land, empower me to step boldly into the purpose You’ve assigned.

During seasons of waiting, teach me patience. Like Abraham, who waited for the promised son, may I trust Your timing and remain steadfast.

Heavenly Father, I surrender my desires to You. May I trust that Your ways are higher, Your plans are good, and Your love is unwavering. In Jesus’ name, amen."

May this prayer resonate with your heart, and may you find clarity and purpose as you seek God’s guidance.


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